The 561Puja Mandap of the district covering the security cover begins today from the Azad Dargah
The event is going on in the last moment of the Durga Durbar of Durga Duj, According to the calendar, on 26th September, on December 26, Diddiwarar Sixth Puja, 27th September, 7th, 28th September on Thursday, 8th of September, Friday 9th, 29th September, Durga Puja, the largest religious festival of the Hindu community, will end on 10th Saturday and abolish Saturday. Strict security has been strengthened by the administration. Now the goddess Durga will be riding on the boat and going out and walking. Mother Durga comes to her every year to destroy the evil power, the evil message, peace, harmony, welfare, guidance and guidance by eliminating violence, animosity, untouchable power. Though Durga is considered a religious festival of the Hindu community, the present has become a Bengali festival. Decoration surroundings everywhere, festive atmosphere everywhere. Like other places of the country, Satkhira did not stop in Durga Satkhira district is celebrating Durga Duj festival through 5th of 61 worship centers. In the last days, preparations are going on in the last minute, the universal food and wine, and not only in the worship centers, but also in the form of new clothes, furniture and furniture. Shopping shops in the city have increased the last moment of worship. 106 of Sadar upazila, 39 in Kolaroa upazila, 177 in Tala, 104 in Asashuni upazila, 21 in Debbata upazila, 52 in Kaliganj upazila and 62 in Mandir Upazila. Convenor of District Puja Festival Committee convenor Subhash Chandra Ghosh said that strict security measures have been taken in every temple. He said that peace will be celebrated in full peace. He also thanked the present government for providing government allocation and administrative support to each temple.

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